четвъртък, 21 октомври 2010 г.

MFW Shoes

This week I wasn`t very regular with my posts, but I`ll be more regular next week, I hope :)
Now is time for the most interesting shoes from the Milan Fashion Week. Honestly I want all of them, but I don`t know woman, who doesn`t want every pair of shoes in the world.

Тази седмица не бях много редовна с постовете си, но ще бъда по-редовна следващата, надявам се :)
Сега е време за най-интересните обувки от Седмицата на модата в Милано. Честно казано, аз искам всички, но всъщност не познавам жена, която да не иска всички обувки на света.

2 коментара:

  1. hi!I love your blog!my name's Martina and I come from Italy....I would like you follow my fashion blog and if you like it...follow me! I would like to follow you but my WI-FI isn't ok and so tomorrow I subscribe on your blog!I wait you and your tips!kiss kiss =P

  2. Hello, Martina, I`m really glad that you like my blog and will be happy if you follow me. Kisses :)
